Google Earth Engine – Charts

This post shows both the code and the result from Google Earth Engine’s reduced Charts by region for 4 selected mountaintops around the world.

// Define a FeatureCollection: regions of Salzburg.
var regions = ee.FeatureCollection([
 ee.Feature( // Gaisberg.
 ee.Geometry.Point(13.111960238822803,47.804202642468331), {label: 'Gaisberg (1288m)'}),
 ee.Feature( // Grossglockner.
 ee.Geometry.Point(12.693900,47.074531), {label: 'Großglockner (3798m)'}),
 ee.Feature( // MtBlanc.
 ee.Geometry.Point(6.864325,45.832544), {label: 'Mt. Blanc (4809m)'}),
 ee.Feature( // Aconcagua.
 ee.Geometry.Point(-70.011667,-32.653333), {label: 'Aconcagua (6961m)'})
// Load Landsat 8 brightness temperature data for 1 year.
var temps2016 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_32DAY_TOA')
 .filterDate('2016-12-25', '2018-12-25')


// Create a time series chart.
var tempTimeSeries = ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion(
 temps2016, regions, ee.Reducer.mean(), 'B11', 50, 'system:time_start', 'label')
 title: 'Temperature on selected Mountaintops',
 vAxis: {title: 'Temperature (Kelvin)'},
 curveType: 'function', // smoothen Curve
 lineWidth: 5, //optimizing visualization on web page
 pointSize: 10, //optimizing visualization on web page
 series: {
 0: {color: 'e6e600'}, // dark yellow
 1: {color: '00FF00'}, // green
 2: {color: '0000FF'}, // blue
 3: {color: 'FF0000'} // red

// Display
Image 1: Resutling GEE Chart

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